Saturday 22 October 2011


 I really like crisp romans. For years this meant Garamond. Now I am adding Centaur to my mix of Romans. With the Italic Arrighi as well.

 Here the 18pt goes out into the case

 A new font as shipped.

One of the great pleasures of printing is carefully putting all the letters, ligatures, numerals into the case. A great way to learn the case layout too.

Centaur is said by some to be one of the finest type designs for a roman.  Designed by Bruce Rogers initially for a private press it was picked up by the Monotype Corporation in the 1930's. 
 It really has impressed me with its crisp elegant appearance. There is something about making a press ready with really good new type, good ink and a fine paper. Very hard to beat. I order mine from M&H in San Francisco and it takes about two weeks of shipping. They are great to deal with, and have a great catalog of available hot metal.